Epoch: Window is a compilation of 30 minutes of digital content made by young people from various youth events by the Youth Arts and Recreation Centre which consist of animation, dance, performative work and photographic stills.
When: Available for viewing from early December 2023 to January 2024.
Where: Youth ARC window facing Campbell Street.
Featured artists and their digital content:
- The Last Great Whale - Oliver Quinn (24)
- Tornadohead - Jess Murray (23)
- Play - Yael Green (21)
- Leafy Dragon - Oliver Quinn (24) & Indigo Bailey (23)
- Lantern Duties Only - Stephanie Moutray-Read (21)
- Dreams at the Edge of the World - Oliver Quinn (24)
- West Hobart Video Postcard - Jade Irvine (25)
- MrMario827 Youtuber Collection - Luke Kingston (23)
- I Hate Spaghetti - Jake Seabourne (21)