Young Epoch Postcards

Wellington Court is a City of Hobart platform dedicated to young people (5 to 12yrs) to showcase their creativity.

With over 200+ submissions from the Epoch Postcard callout responding to the provocation Epoch - What do you hope to see in the future?, we wanted to share some of the highlights from a younger age group, so the Hobart community could delight in some of the quirky, topical, and often humorous responses from these very young artists.

The majority of the Epoch postcards were made by children with some consistent themes emerging when responding to the theme of ‘Epoch’. These included stopping consumerism, global warming, taking better care of each other and our planet, greater connectivity with nature and of course many children wanted space robots to do all their chores for them and their mums.

One of my personal favourites titled My Robot Friend drawn by Brianna (5 yrs) in fine-liner and coloured pens with her artist statement - A robot that can talk, so it can be my friend.


When: Available for viewing from Tuesday 28 November 2023 to February 2024.

Where: Wellington Court Art Frames beyond the playground equipment

A list of artists and their artwork will be made available once the postcards are displayed.

Image credit: My Robot Friend by Brianna (5 yrs), from Lauderdale Primary